As we began the month of May, I can’t help but think of the 1970 iconic song by The Beatles, “The Long and Winding Road.” As we age, we realize that life is just that, no straight lines from start to finish, but a lot of twists, turns, roundabouts, and very few straightaways.
As a small business owner for the past 37 years, being required to close my store was one of those twists. As a person who always looks for the message in every situation, this was no different for me.
As I began April with absolutely no guidelines, I followed my instincts and what I was met with was something that will forever be embedded in my soul.
I felt so much love, kindness, support and appreciation from everyone. It was truly a humbling experience.
I had love and positive affirmations everywhere I turned. I received numerous emails and phone calls from my sales representatives and manufacturers asking what they could do for me, how they could help me weather these uncertain times, and as well as concern for my family. My associate Elly, was beside me the entire month helping me execute the ideas that kept me connected to you.
The outpouring of customer support was the most humbling! Thank you for all the support, concern and love that you showed me!
Sometimes we are so busy with the minute details of running a business and life that you don’t see the obvious. Thank you for helping me see that, and thank you for always being supportive of my special “causes” including the $3,000 in gift cards for the medical personnel of Lee Health!
As a thank you, please use the gift certificate below to do something nice for yourself or a friend.
P.S. Our store is open, but if you would prefer to set up a private shopping appointment, let me know.